Friday, 31 January 2025

Hobby Spending - January 2025.


A new year, means a new hobby budget to track and keep track of purchases going forward.

January has been a bit of a quiet month, mainly because everyone dropped sick at work and I was one of the last men left standing, so was pulling overtime shifts up to the maximum hours we could work* so I've not had much time for hobby or spending or much really.

One bargain I found though, was this physical copy of Sundered Isles and the Oracles book:
I already have a physical copy of Ironsworn, which was the first solo RPG book by Shawn Tomkin which is a dark age/medieval setting.
Sundered Isles is the nautical/pirate type and I've only ever seen it on DrivethruRPG for £18+ each for physical copies, so £13 for both was a bargain.

Unfortunately I cannot play this yet, as it turns out this one is an expansion setting for the sci-fi solo RPG - Starforged. So I'll have to keep looking for that one.

Next week have a simple dinner tray:
I picked two of these up for £1.50 each from Poundland as a way to organise projects going forwards. One big problem I have had is that I have to drag everything out piece by piece and then pack it all away again at the end of a hobby session.
The idea with these is that I have a project kept on the tray until it is finished, its easy to pull from the cabinet to work on and store.
So, in theory, should improve productivity...

In theory...

Sundered Isles and Oracles: £13.
2x Dinner Tray: £3.

Total for January: £16.
Budget for January: £50.
Over/Under Yearly Budget: under budget by £34.

*On the railway we have working time directives, which are put in place to protect staff from fatigue. So we can work so many days in a row, or so many hours over shifts per week and then we have enforced rest days, where work cannot contact you at all.

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