Sunday, 15 December 2024

Yellow Platoon, H Company, 352nd Death Korps of Krieg.


"ON MY WHISTLE, ADVANCE!" came the shout down the line. Great coated infantrymen clutched their lasrifles, waiting with anticipation to begin the charge towards the objective.

Knelt in the dust and rubble, Sergeant Thieres gave a last prayer to the Emperor as he check his laspack for charge before slamming it home in his pistol. He looked around at his men readying themselves and gave a last brief.

"Our entry is the hole blasted in the wall opposite us. We have an open street to cross first, so as fast as possible, no stopping or bunching up".

The scream of overhead artillery was replaced with the booming retort of explosions and then a shrill whistle announced the start of the charge. Each Lieutenant blowing their whistle in turn to get the men moving.

Hurling himself out of cover, Thieres ran forwards, his bellowed cry of terror and rage lending him the strength to charge the enemy strong point.

 A guardsman Infront of him doubled over suddenly and dropped onto the ground lifeless, half a dozen others in the charging group fell, crumpled in the debris. With no time to mourn or check, Thieres urged his men onwards and made for the objective building.

More were cut down before they reached the building, Thieres slammed his back into the wall, his heart pounding with adrenaline.
He released a stick-grenade from his belt, priming it and threw it through the breach where it detonated with teeth loosening force. Smoke and screams coming from within.

Before the enemy could recover, he charged through, snapping shots left and right from the hip, the bright las-shots glowing in the smoke.
Two bloodied rebels stood before him, the Sergeant cut them down with a series of swift shots before his lasgun was wrenched away.

Throwing a haymaker, the rebel backed off giving Theires time to draw his pistol and Chainsword, before diving back into the fight. The rebel swung the butt of his rifle at Theires' head, swaying aside he kicked the man in the groin and slashed his Chainsword down, cleaving from shoulder to waist and killing the man.

More troopers poured through the breach, and Theires knew they had to keep moving, a single grenade amidst their number now could stop their assault in its tracks. He roared with the release of fury and adrenaline, and continued the slaughter...


So finally I made headway on the Krieg force for Fraser again*, the last time was the Company Command Squad, this time it's a bit more substantial.

Yellow Platoon, H Company, 352nd Death Korps of Krieg Regiment:

A 5 man Platoon Command Squad and two 10 man Infantry squads, this is the minimum size platoon, and I have another 20 men to add to this platoon before it's done.

This organisation is the classic style from 5th edition and backwards, but it can be organised for 10th edition, making the force suitable for most editions of 40k that Fraser wants to play with them.

I picked these up again, because the Plastic Crack Podcast run an Open Painting Competition each month, and Novembers was "A Company/Battalion/Command for your game" and the closest I could get was a Platoon.
There is no prize for this OPC in the group, just the satisfaction of getting something done.

So here is the Lieutenant and the Command Squad. All their left shoulder plates and the flag trim are yellow to denote which platoon they belong to:

One of the squads, I themed this platoon around advancing so they got most of the running legs from the boxes I opened up:

The second platoon, the urban based are really showing their contrast here:

An overhead photo of the entire platoon, showing more of the bases off:

And a final group photo of the finished models. Like the Command Squad, I tried to vary a few of the greatcoats in shade, but it hasn't come out very well on the photo:

Originally I intended to do the minimum sized Company of Two Platoons worth of troops, with an Autocannons squad thrown in for extra.
But real-life got in the way and I simply ran out of time to get Red platoon  or the Heavy Weapons finished.
Here is a photo of the two platoons and one Autocannon team in progress, just after the Agrax Earthshade stage:

They'll be finished soon, so i can chalk them off of the "to-do" list.

Now onto the reveals of the new KRIEG stuff which is coming out in January next year. But this point everyone will have seen these photos, so I'm just offering my personal opinions on them.

The Command Squad is a mixed bag for me.
The top two models, the Standard and the "Grenadier" are misses personally. They just seem to lack that spark to make me WANT them. Whilst not as Lacklustre as the Sanguinary Guard or Inquisitor Coteaz reveals, I feel that these two and something further down are the weakest:
Sticking with the command squad, the officer is alright, I'm not a fan of the excessive detail going on on his chest plate. The medic we're getting somewhere, he has the perfect look of creepy healer which you'd expect from a medic in a gas mask. I also like how his greatcoat isn't button up at the knees, but hangs straight down:
The Commissar is brilliant, much better then the Cadian Commissar, but the vox operator and servo skull make great models. I always feel like 40k needs more gothic weirdness like servo-skulls and such, something which seems to be lacking more and more with Games Workshops "corporatization":
The Krieg Field Artillery is a must buy**, it has that perfect mix of historical flavour and 40k Gothic Sci-Fi fuckery which is what made classic 40k it's own beast:
And then we get to the Engineers... definitely the weakest offering of the reveals.
I'm not sure what they were thinking mixing the Grenadier's and Engineers together into one model, but it's just odd. The engineers always had the smaller jacket as they majority fought in tunnels or at the "sap" end of the tranches being pushed forward, the smaller jackets giving them greater movement.
And the Goliath, what the fuck were they thinking turning it from a remote controlled tank into a damn Roomba?

Those are just my thoughts on the reveals, the Deathriders I won't cover because things are already in motion with Deathriders and Fraser has 16 of the Forge World models which I've started to build, I have suggest that he just gets the mounted officer to add to them, but we'll see.

So for a while yet, the Krieg will have their time to shine, more so with a project I've signed up for, but more on that in future posts.

Until next time, have nice day...

*I'd make a terrible Commission Painter, given I've had these models for over a year now from him and haven't gotten anywhere sorted with the army...

**Or it would be if I was bothered about actually fielding only GW models.
A day after the reveal, the internet was greeted with at least three different STL files to 3D print of the new stuff...take from that what you will!

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