Friday 11 October 2024

Dreadtober 2024 - Rusty Metal.


The first update of Dreadtober is in.

After getting the build together...and using the most pins I've EVER used on a single model sorted, I was keen to begin painting, conscious of the fact that I've still got to go to work and that will eat into hobby time.

My usual Ork scheme is what I'll be aiming for, and this is Mekka-Dread is going to be a centerpiece for the Dreadmob I did for my first Dreadtober in 2022, so it needs to match those.

One thing I decided to try differently then my usual method is to use a coloured undercoat.
I normally work over a grey undercoat and then add a coat of watered down orange paint as the basecoat of the rust, as it will flow deeply into the recesses.
A trip to the local Range* store procured this can of Yellow-Orange. I use Maston Colour sprays for my primer now, and this is in the Maston One range, meant to give one coat coverage but I found it a little thin and needed to give two primer coats, using more paint then I would have liked.

Once the dread had dried it was looking very bright, but a great starting point for the rusty metal.

First step is to heavily drybrush the entire model with Warplock Bronze (I used the last of my very old pot of Tin Bitz** for this).

The second step is a lighter drybrush using Leadbelcher**. This gives the metal sheen I was looking for, whilst keeping the darker metal and rusty orange in the recesses.

It still looks a little orange and bright at the moment, once I've gotten some coloured panels down and areas for checkers marked out, I'm going to hit the entire model with a dark brown wash to darker it down.

But this will be in the next post.

Until next time, have nice day...

*For non-UK readers, The Range is kind of a general store which sells craft materials, furniture, interior decorating stuff, food, etc)

**Before one of GWs renaming for "licensing purposes" periods, the paint Warplock Bronze was formerly called Tin Bitz.
Likewise Leadbelcher was formerly Boltgun Metal. Mephiston Red was Blood Red, etc.


  1. Tin Bitz was such a good colour! Looks like the Dread is coming along nicely – I do like the rust to be rather bright. Makes for good contrast against the darker parts of the model.

    1. It does at the moment, but I like to tie it all together and dull it down some when I get to the wash stage, so that the Klan colours pop a little more.
