Monday 30 September 2024

Hobby Spending - September 2024.


September has rolled around and it's time for another hobby Spending here we go.

September is a funny month, as my birthday is at the end of the month and everyone encourages you to spend a little and treat yourself.

I picked up this unit of Khorne Berzerkers early on, which gives me a second unit to work on, for when I get to the Black Crusade in full force, the are already built, but a quick cut with a knife will get them off their bases and I can work them up into a warband:

With the gaming table I have been building taking up most of the hobby month, I got to thinking about what to play on it and the size of armies (covered in the next table update post).
Using the Old World army builder webpage, I knocked together a 1,500 point Dark Elf army as I had a fair few boxes of models lying around from an aborted AoS project.
I was missing an assassin though, so this 3D printed miniature was perfect:
(The curse of the so-so eBay 3D print seller struck though, and it took nearly the entire month to turn up*).

From a better eBay 3D print seller, Ruins of Ashelina, I picked up this Calidus Assassin, as he was offering her for a fiver to the first twenty people who bought the print as she was a new STL and on promotion:

I follow a blog called "Mogsymakes" you can find it in the Blog list on the right hand side of this page.
One of his last posts was a battle report using the Red Book of the Elf King rules. The whole setting intrigued me from the get go, being more Norse/Celtic based rather then Tolkien elves. The fact that it's more warband sized and you need roughly 19 models per faction was another selling point.
For £12 a used copy in very good condition was too good to pass up, just got to look for the second book now:

And finally, on one of my days off work this week I took a trip through to Mirfield Miniatures for the first time in a couple of years.
Being good, I stuck to my prepared shopping list of what I wanted, but I was tempted by a Dwarf army Mark had on the shelves.
Instead I kept to what I was looking for and picked up these four 4th/5th edition codexes, in an aim to complete the collection and make playing 40k fun again:
Next time I go through I'm going to pick up a second copy of the 5th edition rulebook so I have a "game" copy and a "good" copy.

World Eaters Berzerkers Unit: £11.
Dark Elf Assassin: £6.
Callidus Assassin: £5.
Interior Filler: £5.
Red Book of the Elf King: £12.
4th/5th edition Codexes: £16.

Total for September: £55.
Budget for September: £50.
Over/Under Yearly Budget: under budget by £42.90.

So £5 over budget, but a reasonable month overall, and purchases which I wanted or needed for collections, I think the only "on a whim" purchases were the Calidus and the Elf King rulebook.

Until next time, have nice day...

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