Saturday 31 August 2024

Hobby Spending - August 2024.


With the long school summer holiday period over, it's time to take stock and get back to some proper hobby. Not that I dislike spending time with the family, holiday, days out, nice weather, lovely stuff, but with my shift pattern at work, once my son goes back to high school its back to business as normal at home.

One thing I have noticed, and the Mrs said in particular, was that I often shy away from big purchases for myself in one go.
There's been the odd thing here and there, but mostly small purchases which later add up together to a project.
So after getting wind that the Nam'68 rulebook was up for preorder on the Plastic Soldier Company website I decided to jump on it.

The Vietnam war isn't something I've really had much interest in if I'm honest.
I know there were other nations involved, but it's always portrayed as an American war in the media and it's not something that you really get exposed to in the UK unless you go searching through history.
When Nam'68 was first mentioned in the news section of the Plastic Crack Podcast, it intrigued me. The notion of taking a platoon of soldiers through a year long campaign in country and seeing how well you can do was interesting.
Myself and Cardboard Fortress both jumped on the Hardback preorder and it should turn up towards the end of September.

A few citadel paints were purchased for a Space Marine project, but more on that when I start it.
The other purchase for the month was a tan colour polar fleece from B&M for £3.
I've seen people make gaming mats out of these and wanted to have a bash. If it doesn't work, it's only £3...less then the cost of a prepacked sandwich in most places!

I'll be chopping this down to 3' by 4' to fit inside the table I'm building as a ground option, if it works I will go back and purchase a couple more to make different theatre ground sheets with.

The numbers for August:

Nam'68 Hardback Rulebook - £38.
Ultramarines Blue Contrast Paint - £4.30.
Caledor Sky Base Paint - £2.50.
Polar Tan Fleece blanket - £3.00.

Total for August: £.47.80.
Budget for August: £50.
Over/Under Yearly Budget: under budget by £47.90.

Just about a month under budget for the year, not too shabby, that should give me some leeway when purchasing the Vietnam miniatures for Nam'68 when it arrives and I can see what I need.
No point purchasing now as some of it may be surplus or not enough purchased.

Until next time, have nice day...

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