Monday 28 August 2023

Hobby Spending - August 2023.


A quiet month during August, the first half having been spent on a family holiday on Cornwall.

The second, rather more serious, has been spent quite ill, a lot more then just a case of "change your socks and drink some water son".

Having been hospitalised, bloods drawn, drips administered, fluids by the bag, I'm still not back on my feet yet...but definitely on the mend.

Several purchases were made in the first half of the month though, before the health crisis started and I'll document them here:

Some more Warmachine mini's were picked up for a bargain, most with a mind to the Llaelese mercenary army I was mentioning last month.
This Charger light Warjack is a definite addition:

The heavier Ironclad will stay with the home Cygnaran forces I think, unless I convert the weapon and turn it into a Nomad, which was an older pattern chassis which Cygnar no-longer use:

Another unit of Gun-Mages were picked up which rounds the previous purchases out to two units of ten men each:

Artificer-General Nemo, and Stormchaser-Adept Caitlin were a pair of character which I decided to just have a punt on as I had no solid plans for them really. The leadership of Cygnar just got a boost though:

And finally with the Warmachine purchases, this Gun-Mages Captain was picked up, simply because I keep getting outbid on Captain Caine everytime I try to pick him up, so this guy will be a "counts as" for the force:

With rumblings of a local game club starting round the corner from my house, I decided to jump on WhatsApp and find out what people were planning.
Naturally 10th edition 40k was the mainstay of conversation, so after downloading the files for Battlescribe, I bashed together a 1,000 point list for my Catachan's and Black Legion to give some options.
These Mortars were picked up for the Catachan's to provide some fire support, and I'll need to buy a Field Ordnance Battery in future:

I already had enough bodies I could use for the heavy weapon teams, but Mortar arms were in short supply, so three of these were picked up at the same time:

Next, I started with a model for the planned Weird World War 2 project, and picked up this mini from the 02-Hundred Hours range, put out by Grey for Now Games, the same guy who makes Test of Honour.
She'll be a specific character in my command squad for the "Office of Secret Endeavours":

Another punt saw a Trollblood Caber Thrower, which I can add to the already existing unit of Trollkin Militia I have, making a complete 10 man/Trollkin? unit for the planned games in the future:

Lastly, I picked up this Lieutenant from Leviathan for a very reasonable price, just as I was leaving hospital.
Out of all the hype about the marines in Leviathan, this was the model I wanted the most as he'd fit perfectly with my Deathwatch force, even having a dead Tyranid on the base, and his badassery with the twin combat knives is just awesome:

So, we progress onto the number for the month:

Cygnar Ironclad Heavy Warjack: £1.
Cygnar Charger Light Warjack: £1.
Arcane tempest Gun-Mages: £1.
Gun-Mage Captain: £1.
General-Adept Nemo and Stormchaser Caitlin: £3.
3D Printed Infantry Mortars: £3.
Catachan Mortar Arms: £3.
02-Hundred Hours AoE Operative: £5.
Trollkin Cabre Tosser: £3.
Leviathan Phobos Lieutenant: £4.

Total for August: £25
Budget for August: £50.
Over/Under Yearly Budget: under budget by £44.44.

So, with just half the monthly budget spent, this was quite a cheap month wargaming wise...not a great month overall, but still.

I am looking to use my convalescence from work to rebuild my strength and get healthy again, and back to work, but also to hopefully make a dent in a few of the longer term projects I've gotten started but never finished.

As the shaking hands have now stopped I've already been working on my Black Legion, in an effort to have 1,000 points fully painted to take to the local club, when I eventually get a chance to visit.
But I've gotten the basecoat down on a fair few Skaven Clanrats and a unit of Slaanesh Hellstriders. There are things coming, I just need the actual physical strength to be able to stand up for more then ten minutes at a time in order to matte varnish mini's as my Earthshade has been very shiny recently (in spite of shaking for 10+ minutes a time and making sure I hadn't bought the gloss one)...

Anyway, enough rambling...

Until next time, have nice day...

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