Wednesday 28 June 2023

Hobby Spending - June 2023.


June is a couple of days of being done with and that means that we're nearly halfway through the year!

Where has time gone...

Several trips out as it's getting nice weather in the UK, and when the kid is off school, we head out, meaning hobby shop visits for me!

This could be bad...

Early on in the month I visited Mighty Lancer Games whilst visiting my mum in Bridlington and picked up a couple of Reaper Bones blister packs:

The two blisters of Deep Ones were bought to create a unit of them, as even though I wrote the campaign idea for Chris just about SIX YEARS AGO, as far as I know he hasn't gotten round to playing it.
So I figured I'd have a go as I was looking for something other then 40k to build and wanted to branch out a little into some historicals.

Shaeress, the Dark Elf Queen, was bought a couple of days later on the first visit to Element Games and is intended to become a Chaos Sorceress for a Chaos Marine force.

Speaking of future projects, as much as I love Dragon Rampant, with the Sci-fi version being released in Hardback form, I took the opportunity to piggyback onto an Amazon order and pick up a copy of Xenos Rampant for myself:

The plan here is for myself, Chris and Cardboard Fortress to do a 40 point Weird World War 2 force each, probably do a second opposing force to make two axis and two allied forces and rope a friend in to play, and have a gaming day with them next year.
We're aiming to build and paint out forces from October to December this year as it's when we have more hobby time with darker night and kids being at school, no annual leave season at work for example.

The Resistance, isn't a wargame, nor miniatures, it's a card game, but a bluffing, body language reading, secret identity game set in a dystopian future where you have to try to bring the corrupt government down, but there are spies in your midst!

I bought this to play with the family over the course of what will probably be out last big holiday all together, since my niece's are off to universities in September.

Finally, most recent purchase (yesterday as of writing this post), and one of the most vital was this Melee Leviathan Dreadnaught from Element Games:

I was good at the store, honest.
At one point I had this, the Hunters of HuanchiKill Team: NovitiatesKill Team: Kommandoz and a Fyreslayers Grimwrath Berzerker all in my hands!


Being honest with myself, the Seraphon and Fyreslayer forces haven't been started yet, the Battle Sisters I need to figure what's happening with them and the Kommandoz, well, I have enough Orks stored up to work on to keep me going for maybe another ten years if I painted an Ork a day...

So the Leviathan was the obvious shoice as I just needed that and a few 3D printed bits to have everything I need for my Horus Heresy World Eaters army (more of those shortly).

Considering, I had one item and my friends had baskets full of gear they were buying, I was deemed the sensible one by the staffer who rang our stuff out of the store for us!

Onto the numbers:
Deep Ones Shaman and Elder - £6.39
Deep Ones - £6.39.
Shaeress, Dark Elf Queen - £3.
Xenos Rampant - £18.
The Resistance - £4.
Leviathan Dreadnaught - £42.50.

Total for June: £80.28
Budget for June: £50.
Over/Under Yearly Budget: under budget by £44.44.

That Leviathan Dreadnaught was nearly the full budget for the month in one go...such is the nature of the hobby though.
With what seemed to be a bumper month for purchases as just of £80 spent, I am still nearly a month behind in the total budget for hobby, which is good.


Until next time, have nice day...

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