Tuesday 10 May 2022

Quantity has a Quality all of it's own - 2022 edition, the recap.


A little later then originally planned, but I've finally gotten round to collecting the photos send to me and the scores for our painting challenge throughout April.

As a rundown the scoring system is here and we had a few more people involved this time.

Starting at the bottom of the chart and working upwards we have:

Scotch Dave with 0 points. Motivation and tike deserted him during the month and he managed to get some models built but none painted.

Garry who also scored 0 points. He'd painted a few models but not sent the final photo's. He's been busy with his second hand gaming store and going to Diceni which was a convention in Norfolk.

Rachel is next and she scored 14 points. She bought a massive Death Guard army recently, and due to work she managed to get 7 plague marines finished, but aren't they pretty:

Chris (who's blog seems to have died a death) is next with 33 points. As well as sorting out his house, he's managed to get an Undead Blood Bowl team and 10 flies for Rangers of Shadow Deep painted. The flies are so small I counted them as half a point each.

Duncan came third from the top with 49 points.
The necrons were part painted so we're only 11 points. The rest of the Orcs are his new Age of Sigmar army and we're all painted new for the GW challenge Grant is running.
The Warchanter and Shaman are characters, 5 Black Orcs, the Goregrunta and Trolls are all counted as mounted models (due to the size of them, being twice as tall as an infantry model).

I came second on the scoreboard with 57 points, beating Duncan out this time around.
I was planning on using this challenge as a way to get a lot of my Ork army completed for my game with Dave but due to working nearly a fortnight of night shifts, I didn't managed it.
I got several of my samurai era models painted and finished as I've been thinking about getting the forces finished for a set of games.
The 9 Yari Ashigaru (spearmen) were part painted, but the 5 Yumi Ashigaru (archers) and the line Katana Ashigaru (swordsman) were all painted from primer. I also got a Trukk and 10 Slugga Boyz painted for my Evil Sunz warband, these saw action in the game with Dave thankfully. Lastly I got a group of 4 Glaivewraith Stalkers finished to add to my Nighthaunt who were in primer.

And top of the scoreboard was Grant this time with 62 points. A lot of Soulblight Gravelords for Age of Sigmar, used for the same army challenge Duncan is taking part in (kind of convenient considering Grant is running the challenge).
He's managed to get a Vampire, 10 Dire Wolves, 6 Cryptfiends, a Varghulf (or whatever it is called now) and a Zombie Dragon completed.
The Cryptfiends and Varghulf are counted as mounted models due to their size, and the Zombie Dragon is about the same size as a Leman Russ, so I counted it as a large vehicle.

So a recount of the scoreboard:

Grant - 62 points.
Lewis - 57 points.
Duncan - 49 points.
Chris - 34 points.
Rachel - 14 points.
Garry - 0 points.
Scotch Dave - 0 points.

I think I'll be organising another of these for later in the year, but we'll see what happens yet.

Back to the paint station:

Until next time, have nice day.

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