Friday 1 October 2021

Hobby Bingo - September Recap.

September has passed and so it's time for another hobby update.

This month saw more overtime, but I managed to get more hobby in-between shifts and get some projects shifted to the display shelves, and I think I finished off probably the most models in one month that I have since our "Quantity Competition".

As for the scores, with Chris and Dave being bus again, I've closed in a little on Chris at the top of the leaderboard: 

Chris: 1250
Lewis: 710.
Dave: 80.

I really need to get a piece of terrain finished so I can clear that last box on the first grid and pass Chris once again.
We'll see how well that works out as I am now going to be training for my new career so the terrain may have to wait until November.

Until next time...


  1. You cannot die if you have figures still to paint ! : )

  2. Hah! I've tried to explain the Horus Heresy to Amy. She doesn't really like nerdy stuff (or so she claims - she loved Stranger Things and The Witcher, although that last one has a lot to do with the God-Emperor of Mankind being in it!) but she actually remembered some of the Primarch names!

    I do still have a few things to post finished in previous months! One is hectic as hell right now! Plus my phone is lost (and apparently destroyed) so I can't even access my photos of painted stuff! Noooo!
