Sunday 31 March 2024

Hobby Spending - March 2024.


March, it came and went, and with it another round of hobby purchases, squirreled away for future projects...

We start with some Secrets of the Third Reich miniatures I found going for cheap on eBay.
Most hobby stocks don't stock this, so you generally have to go to West Wind Productions and pay full bar for the models.
So when these appeared on eBay with a "make an offer" option, I was straight in!

After a bit of back and forth with the seller, I bagged these five Power Armoured Germans for £7.50:

And this Mechanised Grenadier squad for £6:
I currently have a WWW2 SDkfZ 251 half track printing with various weapon options, from the humble MG42 to a Plasma cannon...

Next, whilst visiting Bridlington on a weekend away, I always try to call into Mighty Lancer Games, and generally take a look at their second hand stuff from the website.
I grabbed this huge unit of Skaven Clanrats for £22, as I already have a good start on a Skaven forces, a huge great chunk of Clanrats would aid the army grow:

This past week, off of eBay, I also grabbed this unit of Saurus Cavalry for £6, they're missing their bases, but that's an easy fix.
As the unit was so low in price it was worth it, I was also bidding on a unit of Saurus Warriors from the same seller, but someone sniped me by 19p at the final seconds:

And lastly, I have decided to restart my Catachan force, having just about finished all the Tyranids.
I want to play a game at home with the Catachan's Vs the Tyranids and am going to make a concerted effort to get the Cityscape finished...the one I started over three years ago now...
Anyway, as part of the Catachan force I have a small armoured squadron and wanted a way for a unit of Veterans to get around alongside the armour. Not being able to find a decently priced Chimera, and not liking the official GW Taurox kit, I plumbed for this 3D printed offering, which the seller sent me a very nice off for. At £11.40, if it isn't great I can always use it for battlefield debris and not worry about loosing money, I've paid more for a pub lunch on a day out then i have for this model!

Onto the numbers for the month:

Secrets of the Third Reich Power Armoured Germans - £7.50.
Secrets of the Third Reich Mech German Infantry - £6.
Skaven Clanrats - £22.
Rattlecan of White Primer - £2.50.
8 Saurus Cavalry - £6.
3D Printed Half-Track - £11.40.

Total for March: £51.40.
Budget for March: £50.
Over/Under Yearly Budget: under budget by £59.60.

A bit more of a brisk month with purchases, but a lot will get used for future or soon projects at that.

Whilst I'm on the high of painting stuff, I'm cracking on with the Samurai project, but also the Catachan's are proving fun to paint, especially as I am a.much better painter than when I originally started them, so they'll get some time in the sun soon.

Until next time, have nice day...

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