Monday 29 March 2021

Deathwatch Lieutenant Tassius Albo.

Mist hung in the air around the chilled room, a figure knelt in meditation loomed large. A sheen of ice crystals reflecting the low lighting coming from the floor.

His armour was not a full flat black, but the blue-black of the midnight sky, contrasted to this was the shining silver pauldron with its gold overlaid Inquisition symbol on his left.
On his right was the proud Ultramarine blue pauldron, ringed in white, to match his helmet.

Lieutenant Albo meditated upon his service within the Deathwatch. It had been an honour matching his elevation to the vaunted first company when he had been selected.
His armour freshly repainted from blue to black and the demi-company of veterans parading for his leave, Chapter Master Calgar and Chief-Librarian Tigurius were present too.
Tigurius' knowing half-smile had hid more mysteries then Albo really wanted to know about.

His service was almost complete. Seventy years service had seen him battle and destroy the profane Xenos who would prey upon mankind, were this order not in place to prevent them.

He thought about the Greenskins, tough, hardy fighters who relied on brawn then skill.
He grudgingly admired their focus and will to keep fighting, even through mortal wounds.

He had faced the Tyranids, their ravenous hunger had once threatened Macragge, his homeworld, before he was born. Master Calgar had led the victory then, and he himself had saught to emulate his master when facing down the tendril of Hive-Fleet Scarabus. There was much honour in his deeds, not least was the destruction of a pair of Carnifex creatures single handedly.

The perfidious Aeldari were at times allies, at others enemies. Swift and deadly they were a different challenge to the riotous numbers of the other Xenos.

Likewise the robotic Necrontyr, a relatively new threat to the Imperium, but more deadly then ever with their firepower which could flay even his cermite armour to atoms.

After a moment's rest and blanking his mind with a calming mantra, Albo turned his thoughts to comrades old and new.

There was Old Ranulf, member of the Fangs of Fenris chapter, just as unruly and wilful as their parent Space Wolves chapter.
Seraphiel, of the noble Blood Angels, constantly battling his own personal battle lust, but more of a mentor to Albo since he joined the Deathwatch then any other marine he had met.
Leonatus of the Minotaurs chapter. As close to a true friend as an Astartes could make, until his untimely death against the Necrontyr not four solar months ago.

He cast his mind to Macragge, homeworld to himself and the Ultramarines chapter.
His service complete at the end of this solar year, he was surprised to find that he was looking forward to standing beneath familiar skies, visiting the Temple of Hera and the huge space which the Lord-Commander of the Imperium had once lain in stasis, wounded unto death.

He even resolved to ask Tigurius about some of the mysteries he had witnessed, which the formidable psyker no-doubt knew about already.

His reverie was disturbed by a distant klaxon wail growing stronger each second. The lighting in the room came on automatically as the door opened.

"Lieutenant Albo, the Inquisitor needs us" Bretheren-Ceallach of the Red Templars announced from the doorway.

"Thank you Bretheren, what is the news?" Tassius Albo asked, raising to his full height, half a head taller then the Astartes stood Infront of him.

"We've received calls for aid from the Imperial Lions chapter. They defend a planet named Attica from invasion by the Swine" Ceallach answered using an ancient term.

"Greenskins, let us be off to the Inquisitor then" Albo said, gathering his helmet under the crook of his arm, "The Emperor's work is never finished".


This model is part of the Warhammer Conquest partwork magazine which Hatchette partworks put out.

The full partwork ran to more then 75 issues.

I only picked up issue 5 so that I could get the exclusive Lieutenant model, unique to the magazine.

Lieutenant Tassius Albo is a member of the Ultramarines chapter, this choice was to make life easy with all the Ultramarines iconography which comes sculpted onto him.

He follows the previously painted Deathwatch Intercessors I finished last month and the same painting scheme.
Abaddon Black, Incubi Darkness and Thunderhawk Blue drybrushes.
The difference here is his shoulder pad, it being a basecoat of Caledor sky, a Nuln Oil wash, then worked up through Caledor Sky and Calgar Blue to get that nice colour going.

His shoulder pad rim and helmet are white denoting him as being a veteran of the 1st company, on loan to the Deathwatch.

He fills out another "Hero" box on the hobby bingo grid:

This brings my total so far up to 220 points, and makes me one box closer to completing a third line!
I'm well underway for my goal of completing two full grids so far.

With these last two posts, I have also completed more models this year then I have bought, which is also great news!

 - Lewis

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