Sunday 7 March 2021

Chainrasp reinforcemens.

Vornos Ravenhold watched impassively as all manner of ghosts, revenats, gheists and wraiths approached down the hall of his mausoleum.

It had been months since his defeat at the hands of the Stormcast Eternals and been banished back to Shyish. His most loyal retainers had followed his soulfire and converged upon this place and he held counsel until his forces, and strength, were regained.

Callas, a fellow Knight of Shrouds, organised the newcomers, ensuring that the growing army had a semblance of order.

Garkorr, his faithful Bladegheist, loomed from one shadow to the next, always on the watch for threats to his master. Garkorr had been the champion of Vornos personal bodyguard in life, a role it seemed the God Nagash had given him in undeath as well.

Vornos watched as Garkorr ceased his flitting between shadows and stared at the banshee floating at the foot of his throne for a moment.

Amondrizel, Vornos thought, there is one to watch. She had aproached one day claiming to have been sent by the Mortach, Lady Olynder, and sworn to his service as a reward for expanding the influence of the Nighthaunt within Nagash's grand court. His victories in battle had brought much favour to the ghostly undead, much to the chargrin of the Vampiric nobles who considered themselves much better then all the other undead.

No, Vornos Ravenhold knew the truth about Amondrizel, or rather 'Mistress Amondrizel' to give her the full titled she was bestowed by his sister. The Briar Queen had her spies within his court, as did he.
He knew that the banshee had sent amessage to his sister, that she was gathering information against him and his planned move against the Mortarch.

He moved his head slightly to gain Garkorr's attention, then shook it slightly and the Bladeghiest moved on. 

He would have to watch himself around Amondrizel, feed her misinformation and deal with her when the time was right. 
For now he contented himself with simply watching the arrival of the newest chainrasps to join his army and waited...


Another unit of chainrasps finished up in these past few days.

They follow the standard scheme I've been using for my Nighthaunt so far.

They are for the Knight of Shrouds forces as I progress, so I continued on with the black overcloak and then drybrush up from there.
I'm thinking of using a white overcloak on the Briar Queen's forces to differentiate between the two, but also be close enough to work together in a much larger army.

I only have another sixty of these to go...

These fill another box on my Hobby Bingo grid:

I could have finished off the first column, but I am trying to save the "any model" squares for a part finished project I have which just needs basing to finish. I'm not going to try to claim 10+ model squares for stuff which just needs bases to finish off.

For the local Challenge, these Nighthaunt provide me with an additional 10 points to my score, as they were part painted before we began, they are only worth half points.

Until next time...

 - Lewis

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