Thursday, 2 January 2025

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Hobby Bingo 2025*.


Yes we do...and it's something we'll continue to do!

So it's the start of a new year, and Chris messaged me on New Year's Eve telling me that he'd bought the latest issue of White Dwarf, Games Workshops monthly catalogue/magazine on a whim and found that they were doing a hobby bingo card again.

"I've been on a bit of a hobby slump recently, fancy giving this a go and pushing me along as well?" He asks.

"Why not" 


What I like about this year's card, unlike the previous two, is that they split it into two cards, one for painting and one for gaming (their games only), which was a waste on the previous ones I thought, as I don't really like a lot of GWs other games, or even their current edition of 40k**.

Also the boxes are generic enough sounding that I figured I can use them for anything, GW related, other fantasy/Sci-Fi, Historical, with a little fettling.
For example;
  • Rank and File is self explanatory. 
  • Gods of War is a bit more tricky when outside of GW. I though maybe count as a major war leader (Napoleon, Alexander the Great, etc) or a large kit (Mumak, War Mammoth, King Tiger Tank, etc). Something larger then normal in your force?
Chris did say he was tes to get his blog restarted*** with this, so I figured for myself I'll post stuff as and when it's finished as usual, but then do an end of month review of the bingo cards for us and keep a tally of the points going forward.

Time to get some painting done then.

Until next time, have nice day...

*Apparently I am known as the "painting challenge guy" amongst my group, as both Chris and Cardboard Fortress have both said that they were expecting a "2025 Painting Challenge" from me... and this wasn't even my idea!

**I am planning on picking up into Old World this year, and have signed up for an online 40k campaign I can play with whatever edition I choose.

***This will be the Third? Fourth? time of restarting??