Sunday, 2 March 2025

Old Stuff Day 2025.


Old Stuff Day 2025 has rolled around, and it's that time of the year to take a look at some older blog posts, ones your proud of, but may have been relegated to the dusty archive feature on the blog page.

My own contribution is:
I am really really proud of the fluff which I wrote here, a real high peak of writing for myself and something I hope to recreate.

From Xarfai Engle:
The colours on those High Elves and Juvenile Dragons are sublime. The colours chosen really complement each other on the models.

From Rob Hawkins:
Rob Hawkins projects are always inspirational, his Bat/Vampire Lord conversions are fantastic.
This is a showcase of his undead army, laid out in regiment form for The Old World, a game I'm getting into recently.

From Marc:
Marc, at Old School Gaming has a lot of great projects over the many, many years of blogging. This Iron Snakes Dreadnaught jumped out at me for several reasons.
The paint job and iconography are on point, I do like some ancient greek flavour to different settings and Brothers of the Snake is one of my favourite Black Library books ever, Dan Abnett really hit the nail hard with that book.

I hope you've seen something inspiring and enjoyable to read, with another Old Stuff Day finished, I'm hitting the paint table.

Until next time, have nice day...

Saturday, 1 March 2025

March for Macragge - part 1.


It's March, and with "Monster March" a no-go this year, I decided to join in with the "March for Macragge" project on Reddit.

Ever since I bought the starter set and painted all the Tyranids from it and built up that army, even playing a couple of games *shock* against Cardboard Fortress, I have been collecting a few bits to make a small Ultramarines army using the Primaris Marines from the box.

The "March for Macragge" project is to paint anything Ultramarines related throughout the month of March, so I decided to go for one of my favourite models from the Primaris range refresh.

Chief Librarian Tigurius:

He is one of the few Primaris Marines who have a Back Banner, giving that classic space marine character silhouette, the fact that he is a badass as well is just the icing on top.

And I don't mean badass in that he kills everything he looks at etc, but one of the best pieces of fiction with him in details the defence of Boros, and he's in charge of a loosing holding action, saved by the appearance of the Legion of the Damned, who lead the counter attack against the Orks leading the way to victory.

I'm going to base the Ultramarines on Urban bases to match the previously painted Tyranid army to play a small scale campaign against.
Maybe some Damned Legionaries will turn up again?

As well as Tigurius, I am also going to start this squad of five Infernus Marines, not my most favourite of models from the range, but worth getting out of the way to get to more interesting stuff like Terminators.

"We March for Macragge".


Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Death Korps Riders 1st Squad.


"Recon the top of the next ridge and then swing South-West to complete our patrol" the Sergeant said and kicked his mount into action as the other members of his squad raised their lances in salute and followed.

The Death Riders rode their mounts through the rocky terrain up the ridge, the beasts clawed hooves finding purchase in even the worst conditions and loose scree.

In a loose line the five riders crested the ridge and came to a halt, looking over at the vista before them.
The Van Meersland wastes stretched in every direction they could see, and more importantly the defence lines of the Vraksian renegades were laid out in great detail as they observed.

Great diagonal zig-zag trenchlines spread in either direction, communication trenches and gun pits moving away from the front, but the skyward pointing barrels of the artillery pieces were clearly visible, silhouetted against the sky.

The Sergeant pulled a picter from his backpack and began taking picts for high command and army intelligence to look at.once he was finished, his men looked to him to set the pace as they began the long March South-West and back towards friendly territory.


The next models of the 261st Siege Regiment have been completed and these are a mounted section and accompanying Commissar.

These models are 3D prints of STLs from the creator RedMakers on MyMiniFactory. I was taken by the more dynamic poses of the models as opposed to the more static poses of the Forge World models which used to be available.

These men follow the previously described paint scheme of the Grenadier's, as this is the uniform of my chosen regiment, and I must say I am more then happy with how they have turned out.

The Sergeant and a Lancer:

I wanted these to reflect a little differently then the standard line troops, so the white stripe down their shoulders was added as a flash detail, the red pennant was just a "what colour can I pick up without looking" choice.

Another Lancer and the Flamethrower:

In the normal rules for the Death Riders, they are not allowed to have a special weapon (Meltagun/Plasmagun/Flamer) but after seeing the STLs I decided to play loose and fast with them in order of Rule of Cool!

These are the first unit for a squadron of Death Riders, I have three five man squads printed and a five man command squad, I just need a fourth squad to complete the squadron in the future.

The Mounted Commissar:

This was the model which started this section of the army, as RedMakers were offering him as a free STL, very heroic posed model that he is.
The red scabbard on the sword was to tie in with the riders, the rest of him was painted as the other Commissars from the previous post.

His mount, like all the other Death Riders, is simply Reikland Fleshshade straight over a light grey undercoat.
I use a cheap grey primer I picked up from The Range, but Citadel Grey Seer would work just as well as a base for this.

The bases were finished in the way previously described, with sand, sawdust and AK diorama paste mixed together and then some modelling barbed wire added.

I am only claiming a Rank and File box on my Hobby Bingo card for this post, as I have better character models I want to paint, so I am keeping the boxes available for them in the future.

With that in mind, it fills one box for 10 points and setting myself up for a line with the Elites box later on,:

For the OPC, there are six riders and six mounts, and at ten points each, gives my score a boost by 120 points!

This leaves me with 330 out of 6,000 points completed.

Until next time, have nice day...

Friday, 21 February 2025

Death Korps Grenadiers 1st Squad.


Morning rose on Vraks, the sunlight hazy through the dust kicked up by the artillery duels continuing day after day.

In the dull morning light, the Grenadiers of the 261st Siege Regiment finished their prayers and gathered their gear.

Weapons were slung over shoulders, ammunition packs counted and stocked up, along with any grenades needed. Metal rattled against metal as the armour plates they wore were checked for damage and securely fitted.

They moved along the trench towards their jumping off point from the orders circulated from higher command.

Other platoons of the regiment gave them salutes or nods as they passed, for these were the Grenadiers, the ones who had already made their peace with the Emperor and we're essentially 'Dead Men Walking'.

Ladders were finally pulled into place and each man took his assigned position. Ready to climb out of the security of their trench and charge across No-Mans Land, to glorious death, in service of the God-Emperor of mankind.


With some time for hobby, I made a good start on my Krieg force. The models are 3D printed and whilst not direct scans of the out of production Forge World grenadiers, are close enough for my liking that I am comfortable printing a force of them all together.

I decided to start with a Grenadiers squad including a Heavy Flamer team (always loved the FW model, so when I found the STL it was a must have), and a couple of Commissar models I found at the same time.

My choice of regiment is the 261st Siege Regiment, because I preferred their old colour scheme in the Imperial Armour books:

I really liked these with the more British looking Khaki overcoats, as opposed to the more French Blue scheme I've been painting for Fraser.
I also liked the contrast of the dark grey body armour over the lighter khaki greatcoats.

So the full Grenadiers Squad look like this:

I took extra time on the bases, covering them with a mixture of AK Desert sand paste and sand with some sawdust thrown in as well, then as it was drying I added more sand on top and some coiled model barbed wire to add details.
Eventually I want to get some AK wet effect, and add some puddles into some of the dips on the bases for puddles and mud.

The squad sergeant and special weapons:

For a bit of a spot colour, I painted the power cables of the weapons in yellow and washed them with Earthshade to make it a dirty, weathered look, but still bright enough to draw the eye to details.

The Grenadiers with their Hellguns:

These will be the meat of the army, as they are the mainstay of the units.
To get the weathered effect on the armour, I started with a Basillcanum Grey base layer and washed with Earthshade. I then layered up the grey with Mechanicus Standard Grey leaving the darker patches as either dirt or camo as you choose to look at it.

Next I pulled a couple of Commissar STLs and printed those, here are the results:

The Commissar with the chest plate and the bolt pistol held out will join the higher command squad for the company, whilst the second man with the sword and the "Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer" held behind his back will join the platoon command squad keeping the men moving forward. 

As a size comparison, I wanted my 3D printed models to be scaled to match the proper GW models (in this case a FW one).

I wanted to scale them to match, as that way I can add my forces to Fraser's for a future big game if we choose to do one at Element Games.

Turning to the points for Hobby Bingo and the OPC this year.

Hobby Bingo, these models give me a "Rank and File" box and a "Leaders and Heroes" which adds 20 points to the total and ticks off another two boxes on the bingo card.

As for the OPC, at 10 points each, these models give me 120 points off of my 6,000 point total.

There are a lot more Death Korps coming, along with the renegade Vraksian forces as well. The first couple of battles for the campaign will have to be played out using counters as I haven't got the time at the moment to commit to finishing two full armies, but as things get finished expect to see more from Vraks.

Until next time, have nice day...

Friday, 14 February 2025

February fun.


A Valentine's Day message:

Until next time, have nice day...

Monday, 10 February 2025

The Siege of Vraks campaign.


"Herein follows an examination of the most lamentable Siege of Vraks, bastion and Armoury World of His Most Divine Emperor, of the plans of those treacherous and heretical rebels that led to its downfall and the glorious sacrifice of the Emperor's Imperial Guard among the grim and hardy regiments of Krieg, and those misguided Mortals who have unwittingly venerated the Powers of Chaos, at a terrible cost in blood, but worst still -- to the eternal damnation of their own souls".

+++Inquisition report on the Siege of Vraks+++


Welcome to Vraks, a system in the far off Scarus Sector. We are making planet fall on Vraks Prime, armoury world of the Administratum and recently turned renegade by apostate preacher Xaphan.

So I'm a member of the FB group "Vets* of Vraks" and the creator of the group wanted to run a large scale campaign over the year following the course (or our course) of the Siege of Vraks.

Having a Krieg army I signed up, and started to print and paint stuff as fast as I can (not fast enough) in order to take part.

The Siege of Vraks was a series of books by Forge World around 2010-ish and the trilogy covered the war from its humble origins, as most wars generally start out in the 41st millennium, all the way up to the full on Chaos invasion and Daemonic assault of books two and three respectively.

They basically covered everything which Forge World had released for either the Imperium or Chaos at the time, minus a few things like the Elysians which had their book before.

These were also the books where the model range and look of the Death Korps of Krieg were solidified, as beforehand they had simply been an alternate paint scheme for the Armageddon Steel Legion.

So the organiser of the campaign drafted in a fair few of us from the group who wanted to take part and assigned us a place on the campaign map below:

This is the actual map from the books, as the fighting takes place in the trenches over the Van Meersland Wastes.
My assigned area is in the 30th Corps, as the 261st Siege regiment, famous in the books for being the first to force a breach in the first defensive line, we'll have to see if I can live up to that.

We're going to get given a mission each month and have three weeks to play the battle out and report back our results, either victory, minor victory, minor defeat or defeat.
We can use whatever set of rules we want, from the original books all the way up to current 10th edition 40k if we want.
For my part I'm going to stick with my tried and true 5th edition 40k and use the Imperial Guard codex for the Krieg and Renegade Guard lists, and when space marines show, I can use the Marines and Chaos codexes respectively.
I know this seems like a strange choice, but I don't want to dig out everything from storage in the loft to find the older books when I have this set on my bookshelf ready to go.

I'll be posting after action reports on here as the campaign progresses (hopefully).

So back onto painting...

Until next time, have nice day...

*Meaning Veterans not animal doctors!