Morning rose on Vraks, the sunlight hazy through the dust kicked up by the artillery duels continuing day after day.
In the dull morning light, the Grenadiers of the 261st Siege Regiment finished their prayers and gathered their gear.
Weapons were slung over shoulders, ammunition packs counted and stocked up, along with any grenades needed. Metal rattled against metal as the armour plates they wore were checked for damage and securely fitted.
They moved along the trench towards their jumping off point from the orders circulated from higher command.
Other platoons of the regiment gave them salutes or nods as they passed, for these were the Grenadiers, the ones who had already made their peace with the Emperor and we're essentially 'Dead Men Walking'.
Ladders were finally pulled into place and each man took his assigned position. Ready to climb out of the security of their trench and charge across No-Mans Land, to glorious death, in service of the God-Emperor of mankind.
With some time for hobby, I made a good start on my Krieg force. The models are 3D printed and whilst not direct scans of the out of production Forge World grenadiers, are close enough for my liking that I am comfortable printing a force of them all together.
I decided to start with a Grenadiers squad including a Heavy Flamer team (always loved the FW model, so when I found the STL it was a must have), and a couple of Commissar models I found at the same time.
My choice of regiment is the 261st Siege Regiment, because I preferred their old colour scheme in the Imperial Armour books:
I really liked these with the more British looking Khaki overcoats, as opposed to the more French Blue scheme I've been painting for Fraser.
I also liked the contrast of the dark grey body armour over the lighter khaki greatcoats.
So the full Grenadiers Squad look like this:
I took extra time on the bases, covering them with a mixture of AK Desert sand paste and sand with some sawdust thrown in as well, then as it was drying I added more sand on top and some coiled model barbed wire to add details.
Eventually I want to get some AK wet effect, and add some puddles into some of the dips on the bases for puddles and mud.
The squad sergeant and special weapons:
For a bit of a spot colour, I painted the power cables of the weapons in yellow and washed them with Earthshade to make it a dirty, weathered look, but still bright enough to draw the eye to details.
The Grenadiers with their Hellguns:
These will be the meat of the army, as they are the mainstay of the units.
To get the weathered effect on the armour, I started with a Basillcanum Grey base layer and washed with Earthshade. I then layered up the grey with Mechanicus Standard Grey leaving the darker patches as either dirt or camo as you choose to look at it.
Next I pulled a couple of Commissar STLs and printed those, here are the results:
The Commissar with the chest plate and the bolt pistol held out will join the higher command squad for the company, whilst the second man with the sword and the "Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer" held behind his back will join the platoon command squad keeping the men moving forward.
As a size comparison, I wanted my 3D printed models to be scaled to match the proper GW models (in this case a FW one).
I wanted to scale them to match, as that way I can add my forces to Fraser's for a future big game if we choose to do one at Element Games.
Turning to the points for Hobby Bingo and the OPC this year.
Hobby Bingo, these models give me a "Rank and File" box and a "Leaders and Heroes" which adds 20 points to the total and ticks off another two boxes on the bingo card.
As for the OPC, at 10 points each, these models give me 120 points off of my 6,000 point total.
There are a lot more Death Korps coming, along with the renegade Vraksian forces as well. The first couple of battles for the campaign will have to be played out using counters as I haven't got the time at the moment to commit to finishing two full armies, but as things get finished expect to see more from Vraks.
Until next time, have nice day...