Sunday 30 June 2024

Hobby Spending - June 2024.


With the news that Privateer Press has sold their Iron Kingdoms/Warmachine/Hordes IP to Steamforged Games, there has been a resurgence of interest in the setting, but more importantly (for me at least) there has been some.more good deals of miniatures on eBay.

I'm still not a fan of the Warmachine rules as such, so I am looking for a good generic platoon sized ruleset to use, but I'll keep on collecting figures for use.

I started the month with a full unit of Iron Fang Pikemen with Officer and Standard Bearer for a tenner.

I now have two full units of Iron Fangs to work on, I'm hoping to find a decently priced set of the Great Bears, who are the character unit of Iron Fangs and have them as a mini formation in the Khadoran army.

Next was this Cleric for the Iron Kingdoms RPG, fortunately all the models are cross compatibile with the main Warmahordes line.

Daniera Madise, Cleric of Morrow, was picked up for £4 and was a spue of the moment purchase when I was easing an old Warhammer Fantasy campaign* and thinking how I could convert it to the Iron Kingdoms setting. It needs a warrior-priest, so who better then an actual Cleric to take the position.

A unit of Warpborn Stalkers, Werewolf troops for the Blackclad Druids of the Circle Orboros.

I love these guys, werewolves with armour and robes, and big halberds to hit you if they didn't have claws and teeth to tear you apart anyway.
These unbuilt guys were another tenner and as I have the beginnings of an Orboros Warband, they would add nicely to it.

Lastly was a Necromunda Palatine Enforcer, specifically the one with the combat shotgun.

I love the proper "no fucks given" pose of this guy. After a month of Warmachine purchases this seems a bit out of left field, but there is a good which will be revealed in good time.

So what did I spend this month:

12 man Iron Fang Pikemen unit - £10.
Daniera Madise, Cleric of Morrow
 - £4.
3 man Warpborn Stalkers unit - £10.
Palatine Enforcer - £4.

Total for May: £28.
Budget for May: £50.
Over/Under Yearly Budget: under budget by £40.20

I'm on the lookout for some more Warmachine pieces, but I am actively trying to stay away from GW for a while whilst I paint up some of the stuff I have.
The difference being that GW is still producing models, whereas all the PP Warmachine stuff I want is now Out Of Production...

Until next time, have nice day...

*Ordinarily I would just go with Warhammer, but GW are being so fucking slow releasing the ranges for The Old World, that I do think they are actively trying to sabotage the setting.
And don't give me any "AoS4 is having it's big release" GW could have gotten ahead of production and actually supported TOW in the how many months they have had since a; they announced it and B; the rules were released...

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