Wednesday 29 November 2023

Infestation - part 5.


Hello, bit of a slim month but I pulled a small selection of Tyranids from the box and got them painted up, just to keep some momentum really*.
Another reason is that I want to try to clear some of the bigger 40k projects off of my desk as I would like to return to Test of Honour and try some new games next year I think.

These five Termagants are eBay rescues, and all armed with Devourer's, rather then the more usual Fleshborer, some of the eBay rescues are even modelled with Spinefists! 
I have enough (just) to make a ten Termagant squad, and then maybe thirty more Termagants to get painted yet.

These were done up in the same scheme as the previous force which I was painting furiously to face Cardboard Fortress's Guard army, I'm really happy that I managed to get them to match so closely together, in spite of not having done any Tyranids for nearly two months now.

This photo shows the difference between the older previous edition Termagant models and the newer ones released with the big Leviathan box.
As far as I can tell, the newer ones are a little sleeker, have mini spore chimneys and more angular, ridged head chitin.
I've made sure to mount the older models on 28.5mm bases like the Leviathan models so they all match, and I'm happy with how they fit together really well, no noticeable size changes or asthetic changes like other ranges have suffered.

It's only five models for the month, but a small win is still a win**.

Until next time, have nice day...

*With the Mrs being ill recently and having to switch focus between her, work and my son, I've been a bit strapped for hobby time and in a bit of a low mood this month if I'm being honest. Not being able to relax and get stuff painted, or suffering from "project paralysis" for quite a bit of the month hasn't helped anything.

**And this is why the blog is important, keeping track of my "wins", it keeps me in a positive mood, and allows me to look back and say "I actually did something", a useful tool when I look at the pile of shame/potential.


  1. You can never have to many Termagants! I like to have a bit of variety in their weapon arms, if only to break up the monotony of only painting Fleshborers. Lovely work!

    1. Thank you. I'm happy with the varying weapons, it most impressed with how they match up next to each other and that there isn't some jarring difference between the new and old models tbh.
      Thirty five more to go...
