Friday 17 March 2023

Monster March 7 - part 3; Basecoating Progress.


Soaring through the air, yellow reptilian eyes scanned the changing ground as she flew.
Beneath her the scorched, burnt land near the volcano changed as she moved further and further from the mountain she had smashed asunder returning to this plane from the plane of fire.

Black ground became a dry brown and slowly a healthy green, covered with grass. Kindling became bare, leaf stripped t uprunks and onwards to healthy copse' of trees as she flew onwards 

Signs of other life began to appear, with surprised groups of deer fleeing into the woods as the great leathery wings passed overhead.
Dry stone walls began to thread the landscape sectioning off field and pasture, with cottages and barns dotting the farmlands around.

With a sudden movement, she dove towards a farm, a glowing firey light showing through her skin between the protective scales.
Jaws lined with teeth opened and a stream of fire burst from the back of her throat, roasting an unfortunate cow in the field, before she snatched up the burnt carcass as she passed and ripped a hunk of meat free.

A contented growl formed at the back of her throat as she flew onwards, her hunger eased. The great red dragon flew over the city limits.
Wings darkening the sky over the rooftops as she made her way further towards the center and the government buildings, swooping towards a balcony.

She landed with a grace which belied the size and nature of what she was. Daintily landing and skipping forwards a few steps to bleed momentum.

With a whispered incantation a bright glow surrounded her as her form shrunk, massively loosing size and mass as the dragon transformed into a humanoid creature, she could pass as human, but still had dragon features if you knew what to look for.
A billowing red and black dress formed around her body and a tricorne hat appeared atop her head, resting on long, spooling hair which she ran a lithe long fingered hand through.

She had summoned her aide before she had landed and the woman was waiting for her in the sitting room of the suite they were in.

"Mamzel Saerthaera. I trust your visit to Lord Inferno was of assistance to your cause?" She asked.

"Hello Anaya, Lord Inferno was... non-committal so I took my leave, I will have to look towards pulling my resources instead. Has there been any news from my father?" Saerthaera replied. "Oh before we discuss further, please fill out a compensation form for the Baggard farm folk, I ate on the way home".

"At once Mamzel" and the aide scurried off to find the forms to send five gold crowns to the farm in question.

'Such an efficient government' Saerthaera thought and poured herself a glass of dark wine.


Week two of painting the dragon for Monster March continues, and we're starting to get into the little details of her main body.

The purple fins and spine's on her back were washed with Druchii Violet, then stippled with Xerus Purple, then stippled with Genestealer Purple and finally had a little Evil Sunz Scarlet drybrushed onto the lower end to blend them into her body colour:

I have gotten the scaled underbelly and forearms finished off.
If you remember last week they were basecoated with Mournfang Brown.
This time I've brushed then with Baneblade Brown:

Then a slightly less overbrush with Ushabti Bone, both of which had been done in small downward strokes to try to paint a little texture into the colours:

I then washed them with Seraphim Sepia and then touched the edges with Flayed One Flesh:

Her mouth was rebased with Ulthuan Grey, then the flesh of her mouth and tongue were given a wash with Carroburg Crimson. Her teeth were then picked out with Baneblade Brown, Ushabti Bone, Seraphim Sepia and Flayed One Flesh, like the bone plates:

Because of a heavy week at work this week, I am slightly behind where I wanted to be by this point, but I have a few days off coming so should be able to make a start on the wings, which is going to take a while as they need four or five coats and washes to get the leathery look I want in the end.

Hopefully I'm going to find the time to bring the project to completion within the month, or it'll just be final little details to pick out if I'm lucky.

Until next time, have nice day...


  1. Really starting to come together. Inspirational to see your progress each week!

    1. Thank you.
      Work continues apace on her to get her finished in the deadline.
