Saturday 27 August 2022

Hobby Season 2022/23.


For a while clicking around other wargaming blogs I'd seen these cool badges appearing on posts. 

After a little backtracking to find the source I discovered that they originated from Confessions of a 40k Addict, always a good blog to check out. I particularly like his STC buildings which you can download and build to populate your battlefield with, if I wasn't suffering under the STILL unbuilt MDF city I'd download them all in a heartbeat.
The Dreadtober badge originates from the aptly named Dreadtober blog which runs the event each year during October/Orktober.

So what's it all about, this 'Hobby Season' business then?

As 40k Addict explains it's basically a set of badges to show off when you've completed something off of your 'To-Do' list and to provide a stimulus for painting when you finish a project and then find yourself 'Lost in the Warp' about what to do next.

The badges for this season are as follows:

Hobby Season To Do badge:

Hobby Season Major Project Completed badge:

Hobby Season Minor Project Completed badge:
There are also a "Build" and "Base" badges but I'm not sure if I'm going to bother with those, we'll see.
These basically get added to your blog posts as a way of showing that you've completed stuff, and it's fun to take part in community events to show off your projects and gear, even if we don't always get to play with said toys on the tabletop.

So, what's on my To-Do list, I'm going to list things but going to try to be realistic, as I can just keep adding more and more to this.
I'll split it into Major and Minor projects overall but thing's may change over the year:

Minor Projects:
5th edition Ork Dreadmob - 2 Deffdreads, 9 Killa Kanz.
5th edition Ork Kult of Speed - Wazdakka, 3 Nob Bikers, 9 Bikers, Trukkboyz Mob, 3 Warbuggies.
5th edition Ork Vehicles - 2 Battlewagons, Several Trukks, Other Stuff.
Ork Dakkamob box.
Anvils of the Heldenhammer - 1,500 points.
Skaven - 1,500 points.
Slaves to Darkness - 1,500 points.
Nighthaunt - 1,500 points.
Seraphon - 1,500 points.
Fledgling Necromunda collection - Escher Gang, Goliath Gang, Some Characters (to use OPR Gang Warfare rules).
Terminator Genysis collection.

Major Projects:
Ork Stompa!
MDF city build.
Age of Sigmar terrain.
92nd Death Korps of Krieg Infantrie Regiment.
5th edition 40k Road to Glory Campaign playthrough.

As you can see there are more then a few projects on the go, or that I want to complete.
I've stuck to GW projects as I don't want to start down the historical rabbit hole as I could very easily end up with lots more stuff on the go*.
The exception to this is my Terminator Genysis collection I bought a while ago, which was rekindled by Dave over at MSPaints with this YouTube video, and inspired me to dig out one of the starter boxes I bought and get it primed.

I've listed most of the army building stuff as 'Minor Projects' because I can't get to the 'Major Projects' without completing them first.

Terrain is always a sticking point for me, so they went in the 'Major Projects' list as a proverbial 'kick in the complacency' to get it done, likewise with the Stompa, which has languished for the better part of a decade now, unbuilt and unloved...

The Krieg a bit out of left field, but I'll explain that project when I start posting about it.

I'm looking forward to keeping track of how I do, and hopefully ticking some of this stuff off the list.

So until next time, have nice day...

* Yes I know I started a Samurai Wars project a while back and that is "historicals", but I'm wanting to focus on the stuff which most of my friends are interested in. Hence the glut of 5th edition projects, as I am hoping to get more games in with Marovian over at Cardboard Fortress once his work commitments are completed for the year.


  1. Thanks for joining in, I hope it helps with your hobby motivation. I always look forward to how people interpret the hobby season. I try to keep the format very loose to allow each hobbyist the freedom to make it work for them.

    I didn't start off with major and Minor badges but it became a thing some requested and I do find myself using them occasionally now. I love how we're all different as 2 Deff Dread and 9 Killa Kans on their own would be Major projects for me, let alone everything else in your list. I wish you every success in your endeavours.

    Rest assured DreadTober is also happening again this year. Marc is managing it as previous years and there will be new banners and badges for 2022!

    1. Thanks.
      A lot of the stuff on the list is part way painted and then stopped, that's old butterfly effect when a new project or idea hits.
      Most of the Orks are roughly half way finished so it's a matter of finishing them, as not only the asthetic of having a fully painted army, I felt bad during the last game when my opponent had all his lovely painted Guard out and my Orks were a mess of primer, drybrushed and finished models, so it's as much for him as for myself getting these finished

      Likewise with most of the painting being the minor Projects, and the campaign's being the major, I've missed and spoken for years about doing campaigns and story games and never gotten round to it due to not having the models painted.
      Get the minor Projects out of the way to do the major projects will be the driving force.
