Monday 1 November 2021

Sons of Horus Cataphractii.


It is an Age of Darkness.
The Galaxy is aflame.
Brother turns on Brother.

This is M.31.


'We were the champions of humanity. We elevated our species to the heights of success conquering that which was ours. Now we kill our brothers as if they were our bitterest enemies. Where did we go wrong?'

'My brothers follow our captain because they are loyal, they follow me because they are loyal, yet they don't truly understand what our Genefather has uncovered and begun for us!'.

'We fought and bled on thousands of world's, all for what?'

'For beaurocrats and civilians to take that which we took! For soft rulers to follow in our wake, missing the fighting and bloodshed but reaping the rewards which we stabilized for the Imperium'.

'These Lords of Terra, as they call themselves even seek to rule over the Primarch's. To order such beings around as if they themselves were gods instead of mere mortals'.

'And the Emperor, after all his denouncing of godhood, all his science and reason. Our father Horus has uncovered the truth! The Emperor is fighting a second war to turn himself into a god and rob humanity of its soul in the process'.

'Horus, Lupercal, Father of the Sons of Horus has shown us the truth of the Primordial Power which lies within the warp. A way for us to take back that which we fought for, which we bled for, which we died for!'.

'We march for Terra. Death to the False God that sits on the throne. Glory to Horus Lupercal. Glory to the Sons of Horus!'.


One of the projects which I have started and managed to get finished, but didn't have time to post during October is the first unit in a Horus Heresy era army.

My friend Fraser has been asking me to paint up a HH force for a while and the last time I visited him he dropped forty mk.iv space marines on me and said "go".

Now I already had a squad of Cataphractii and a captain lying around somewhere, so with a bit of internet searching, I found a Chinacast website *shocked intake of air* (thanks Chris).

Quickly I ordered some Sons of Horus Cataphractii shoulder plates to see what the quality was like. Just as good, if not better then Forgeworld if I'm honest*.

Unfortunately, with the Cataphractii being second hand, they were missing the middle plates for the shoulders, but I'm not going to get bogged down with incidentals like that, it doesn't affect the overall look of the models.

I followed the Warhammer TV paint tutorial, just swapping out Dawnstone for Stormvermin Fur as it's what I had available.
Kabalite Green is the main armour colour along with plates of Corvus Black washed with Nuln Oil.
Petruges and Cloaks are Barak-Nar Burgundy washed with Nuln Oil and worked back up with Burgundy.
Gold is Retributor Armour washed with Earthshade.
Metals are Leadbelcher washed with Earthshade.
Pretty standard stuff.

The bases are made from strips of 2mm thick cork cut into bricks about 4mm*2mm and a larger chunk of cork laid and torn to make an asphalt type area to stand the models on.
I added a few spare parts from scenery kits to add some interest and a few skulls (because GW).

The captain is the Betrayal at Calth Cataphractii captain with the combi-melta. Just the addition of the spiked skull to denote the slow fall to chaos. Unfortunately the flash had bleached his head out a little, but I have taken pains to stipple on some grey on his head to simulate stubble from a shaved scalp.

I'm going to build things for rule-of-cool with this army rather then competitiveness. This is a force just to collect stuff for, to that end both myself and Fraser have said that we aren't to strict on models, so some 40k will be fine on the scheme of things**.
This is useful as I have a bunch of Rhino's and a pair of Land Raiders and don't fancy shelling out for the 30k equivalents if that makes sense.
Likewise with stuff like Bikers, I have a bunch of 40k marine bikers, but I'll try to incorporate HH torso's and helmets, etc to look the part.

Hobby Bingo and the Captain and Cataphractii squad give me.two boxes filled for another ten points:

This brings my new total up to 790 points.

Until next time...

* Health and Safety tip, remember to wear a mask when dealing with any Chinacast resin, god knows what crap they might put in their resin so it's not worth risking health for cheap toys.

** Within reason, there won't be any Primaris infiltrating the armies, unlike the showcase force in White Dwarf a few months back.

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