Friday 19 February 2021

Temur Khan of the White Scars - Warhammer Doncaster - 420 minute painting challenge COMPLETED!

With a spray of grit and ice, Temur Khan ripped his motorbike in a sharp turn lining up on another Greenskin.

His display pinged and he depressed the trigger button, stitching twin lines of firepower into the alien as it charged from its rickety transport. More were following it as the vehicle exploded, several being thrown through the air to land heavily, limbs thrown unnaturally in death.

He fired his bolters and slashed with his sword as he tore through the footsoldiers of the enemy. Thick, black blood arced from his blade as he crashed further through the battlefield.

All around him his brotherhood fought the aliens who had invaded this planet for a second time under their insane leader. He couldn't make his mind up if it was pure chance or intended that Ghazkull Mag Uruk Thraka had led his forces back to Armageddon.

He decided it wasn't important as he beheaded another bellowing monster, gunning the engine as he passed.

He was issuing orders to one of his squadrons of bikers when a series of shots ricocheted from the front faring of his bike.

"Stormseer Yesugei, move the brotherhood towards the water processing plant to the north, I will follow shortly" he ordered to his second in command.

"As you will, my Khan" the Stormseer psychically communicates back.

Temur Khan roared off towards the incoming firepower, a bellowing Ork boss riding its own form of cobbled together motorbike.

The display on his own machine rapidly counting down the meters to the target,, he turned off the collision chime.

The beast aimed it's bike straight at him hefting an oversized chain-axe in one huge arm, it's teeth already whirling. From previous expired, he knew that the Ork would ride straight into its enemy rather then break off.

He readied his own sword and angled his steering ever so slightly as he hurtled towards his enemy. At the last second his activated the weapons power field and turned the handlebars more as he learnt out of the saddled and carved through Ork and machine with the energised weapon.

Slewing around after the wreckage had come to a stop, he rode up and stabbed his sword through the head of the Ork which was still cursing him in it's harsh language.

Ensuring the creature was now dead and the Speed Kult destroyed, he turned northwards to catch up with his brotherhood as they fought to clear these lands of the scourge which had come to Hiveworld Armageddon again.


So, in my previous post I mentioned that I was taking part in a painting challenge today.

I'm happy to report that I managed to get Temur Khan completed with ten minutes to spare.

I followed my White Scars scheme which I haven't painted in nearly three years now but remembered easily enough.

Ulthuan Grey basecoat for the white.
Leadbelcher and Retributor Armour for the metals. 
Khorne Red, layered with Mephiston Red for the details.
Rhinox Hide, layered with Mournfang Brown for the leather bag and pouches.
Stormvermin Fur for the tires and Black Templars contrast for the black details.
Finally a little Averland Sunset for the lightning bolts.

His skintone is Kislev Flesh and washed with Seraphim Sepia. I wanted to try to get a more Oriental shade to his face, considering these guys are meant to be Mongolian's in SPAAAACE!

I nearly messed the entire thing up at 17.10 this evening when I was going to add a highlight to his face using Kislev Flesh. 
Good job I looked at my brush before applying it as I'd accidentally picked up the pot of Averland Sunset and was about to paint his face deep yellow...

I'm happy he's done, even though he wasn't a miniature I was planning on painting this current unit project seems to be going on forever...

I'm even more happy that I made the deadline for finishing, to say that he was in pure primer at 10.30 this morning!

In hobby news, Temur Khan adds 8 points to my local painting challenge, both Duncan and Grant painted larger things (an Ad-Mech Armiger type and a Stegadon respectively) so gain 14 points each pushing them two past my score so far.

For hobby bingo, he adds another hero box on that first column, nearly giving me a complete line:

So a productive day all round hobby wise.

Until next time...

 - Lewis


  1. Brilliant stuff! I love the background (Armageddon3 still holds a good chunk of my heart - what a campaign!) and the miniature looks great all in white! Love the dusty wheels and vibrant red detailing :) doing well on the Bingo too! I need to catch up!

    1. Thanks for the comment.
      Yeah Armageddon3 is dear to me as well because it's when I really started to get into the lore side of the game, also Orks, lots and lots of Orks!
      I have the two part battle report in my box of old white dwarfs which I'll drag out to re-read at least once a year it seems.

      The limited pallette of colours works really well for White Scars dosen't it?
