Sunday 19 August 2018

Terrain - Azyrite Ruins

So cracking on with projects new and old now that I am properly well enough to wield a brush in anger again.

Games Workshop have produced some lovely terrain kits alongside their miniatures for years now, even if I still think it was better when they used to tell you have to make Canals out of polystyrene blocks and cardboard base, or hills out of sheets of polystyrene, etc.

One of the latest ones they made for Age of Sigmar was called the "Azyrite Ruins" and I had my eye on them since they were released.

Instead of just getting the basic Ruins box, I splurged the extra cash for the "Blasted Hallowheart" box, in which you get a full set of Ruins, Four join-able fold out cardboard sheets to make a playing surface 5'5"x3'5" (the average dining room table size...) and a set of three battleplans (scenarios) which join together to make a mini-campaign as such.

These took me around 2 days to complete:

I started by cleaning the models up (obviously) and gluing them to some 6mm MDF scenery base shapes I had lying around in the "Terrain Supplies Drawer":

Next, interior filler was added to the bases to give them some texture:

A covering of sand is added next (some people use PVA for this step, but I find that it often takes too long to dry, I prefer to use a colour of paint which I rarely use or dislike the colour of as it'll all be covered in stuff soon anyway, currently I use a pot of GW Xereus Purple, horrid colour):

A blast of white primer (my go to colour) and things are getting ready to start coming alive:

For the ground colour, I use a base of a mixture of emulsion from two Wilko tester pots, Chocolate Dream is a light biege/brown colour (I couldn't get any of the darker Chestnut colour) and the Supernova colour is as near to black as I could get, its just off...:

After this step, I hit the ruins with a basecoat of Karak Stone:

And then a heavy overall wash of Seraphim Sepia, this shades all the recesses rather nicely ready for the next step:

I missed taking a photo of the next step...

Basically it is a heavy drybrush of Ushabti Bone, but rather then being done in straight lines like a normal drybrush, I moved the brush in circles to make sure to catch as much of the raised detail as possible and to cover any spaces where the Sepia wash may have pooled oddly.
Next on the agenda were the columns, I had had in mind to do these in a Jade Green-ish type colour since I saw on the the Warhammer TV videos about this kit, so Kabalite Green wash watered down 1:4 with water and washed onto the columns:

These were then hit with the same Ushabti Bone drybrush as the rest of the model, when I get round to doing another set of these, I will include this step before the overall drybrush to save a step and save some time, this drybrush though, ties the columns into the rest of the model by adding the weather and dustiness of the rest of the ruin:

At this point the models are essentially complete apart from a little tidying of the bases, this was done by painting the rims of the base with Abaddon Black, the final step was to add some Grass Tufts in places:

They were placed into the cabinet along with some of my finished Order army:

This is a great kit, I am definitely going to pick up another of the Ruins box at some point in the future just for a little more scatter terrain.

Until next time...

 - Lewis

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