Wednesday 13 December 2017

40k -Knight Crusader Chemosh.

Knight Crusader Chemosh of House Raven.

A veteran Knight pilot, Mistress Chemosh has sat on her Throne Mechanicum for almost 600 years.

She has seen all, fought all, and most importantly, emerged victorious over all.
She purged the Chaos taint from the Hives of Ludia with Shell and Missile, alongside the Sorroritas of the Order of Our Martyred Lady.
Was instrumental in the destruction of a tendril of Hive Fleet Jormungandr.
The Aeldari of Craftworld Ilthansar were given cause to be wary of her after she smashed aside the "Two Brothers" - twin Wraithknights which were protecting a webway gate from being destroyed.
 Although they do not show emotion, the noospheric links of the Skitarii of Forge World Metalica buzz with extra traffic and energy when Mistress Chemosh is posted alongside them.

Most recently, she has been fighting alongside the forces of Forge World Metalica as they fight with the Crimson Fists chapter to clear sections of the Loki Sector from the Greenskin menace left over from the invasion of Rynn's World.

This is a model which has been sat on my workbench for quite some time as I just didn't know how to finish her off.
Firstly, she is not mine, I am not a professional or commission painter (I barely get enough time to finish my own projects), but the Knight was part of a Small force of Adeptus Mechaanicus I offered to paint for a friend who has vision problems when working close for periods of time.
The only brief I got was Forge World Metalica, as he has purchased a Warhound Titan already painted in their Legio colours.

Some brief research led to House Raven who are allied with the Forge World, so that was easy. Then came Dawn of War 3, with their Matriarchal Knight character who aids the Blood Ravens through the campaign, thus the short backstory was born.

One thing which typifies House Raven is Hazard Striping and Chevrons. I wanted to include these as they hark back to 2nd Edition when they were everywhere from Chainsword and Boltgun casings to Leman Russ Dozer Blades and LOTS of other things.
However, I didn't want to go overboard with them as it would make the model look too busy I thought, so a few stripes of them and the tilting shield were all.
Many of the other markings are either Adeptus Mechanicus homages or the army campaign marking which is the small red stripe on the field of white which runs down the left hand side of the model and on the tabbard between her legs.

I attempted early on to do an oil streak/heat stained effect on the Cannon barrel, but I am not happy with it as I can do it a lot better now I have had more practice at the effect. I may come back and redo the Cannon at a later date, I may not.

One thing I was keen on making sure I got was the dual colours of the Adeptus Mechanicus seals, half black and half white with a metal skull in the centre, it is such a major point of their imagery I had to make sure I got it.

The last thing was the wounded Crimson Fist on her base.
I had originally picked up the wounded Marines set from GW to make some objective markers with, however after playing about with the base for the Knight, I stumbled across the idea of having her towering protectively over the Space Marine, a very heroic image ad just the sort of thing I imagine the knight pilots doing given their background stories from their old codex.
Crimson Fists were picked because when questioned, if he ever wanted a Space Marine army, my friend would want Crimson Fists because they are badass to come back from near extinction as they do.

I am glad I have gotten this model finished, and in plenty of time for our local GW which is having a Knight event on December 23rd. They are trying to gather over 70 Knights on one table to beat the record for most in one place.

Until next time...

 - Lewis

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