Sunday, 2 March 2025

Old Stuff Day 2025.


Old Stuff Day 2025 has rolled around, and it's that time of the year to take a look at some older blog posts, ones your proud of, but may have been relegated to the dusty archive feature on the blog page.

My own contribution is:
I am really really proud of the fluff which I wrote here, a real high peak of writing for myself and something I hope to recreate.

From Xarfai Engle:
The colours on those High Elves and Juvenile Dragons are sublime. The colours chosen really complement each other on the models.

From Rob Hawkins:
Rob Hawkins projects are always inspirational, his Bat/Vampire Lord conversions are fantastic.
This is a showcase of his undead army, laid out in regiment form for The Old World, a game I'm getting into recently.

From Marc:
Marc, at Old School Gaming has a lot of great projects over the many, many years of blogging. This Iron Snakes Dreadnaught jumped out at me for several reasons.
The paint job and iconography are on point, I do like some ancient greek flavour to different settings and Brothers of the Snake is one of my favourite Black Library books ever, Dan Abnett really hit the nail hard with that book.

I hope you've seen something inspiring and enjoyable to read, with another Old Stuff Day finished, I'm hitting the paint table.

Until next time, have nice day...

Saturday, 1 March 2025

March for Macragge - part 1.


It's March, and with "Monster March" a no-go this year, I decided to join in with the "March for Macragge" project on Reddit.

Ever since I bought the starter set and painted all the Tyranids from it and built up that army, even playing a couple of games *shock* against Cardboard Fortress, I have been collecting a few bits to make a small Ultramarines army using the Primaris Marines from the box.

The "March for Macragge" project is to paint anything Ultramarines related throughout the month of March, so I decided to go for one of my favourite models from the Primaris range refresh.

Chief Librarian Tigurius:

He is one of the few Primaris Marines who have a Back Banner, giving that classic space marine character silhouette, the fact that he is a badass as well is just the icing on top.

And I don't mean badass in that he kills everything he looks at etc, but one of the best pieces of fiction with him in details the defence of Boros, and he's in charge of a loosing holding action, saved by the appearance of the Legion of the Damned, who lead the counter attack against the Orks leading the way to victory.

I'm going to base the Ultramarines on Urban bases to match the previously painted Tyranid army to play a small scale campaign against.
Maybe some Damned Legionaries will turn up again?

As well as Tigurius, I am also going to start this squad of five Infernus Marines, not my most favourite of models from the range, but worth getting out of the way to get to more interesting stuff like Terminators.

"We March for Macragge".
