Tuesday 14 May 2024

Infestation - part 10.


With a looming gaming day at Element Games, I wrote up a new 1,500 points Tyranid army list and checked off everything I needed for the day when... disaster...I needed a Warrior Prime model and hadn't painted it.

Whilst in conversation with both Fraser and Cardboard Fortress over messenger and with the Plastic Crack Podcast streaming on YouTube in the background I set about this gribbly beasty.

A pair of Rending Claws and a Deathspitter make a powerful offensive combination, which only gets more powerful with the biomorph Adrenal Glands.
This thing can also regenerate lost wounds and command the lesser Tyranid beasts, so they don't fall back on their "instinctive behaviour".

The now familiar Purple and Grey scheme with Bone weapons was quick to apply over a white primer coat using contrast paints, shades and a little drybrushing.

The usual urban rubble basing, no skulls this time, finished the model off.

At 20.00 hours the model was in its base white primer, and I had to give it a quick dust off before I could paint.

By 23.00 it was finished barring a coat of Matte Varnish which was added the following morning.
Then it was into the travel box with it and the rest of the army:

Three hours to take a HQ model from bare primer to fully finished is very impressive and shows the ease of the paint scheme which was chosen for the hive fleet.

I'll obviously be doing a report of the battles to come, but I'm sincerely hoping it doesn't fall victim to "New Model Syndrome*" but we'll have to see.

Until next time, have nice day...

*This is an observable effect, as nearly everyone has a story about a new/freshly painted model which has done nothing/been killed on turn 1/never showed up from reserves or something along those lines.
Often it's a very expensive HQ or Vehicle unit.

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